
Your One-stop Engineering Service Solutions

We offer a comprehensive solution for the upkeep and efficient operation of heat exchange systems. This includes regular inspections, cleaning, maintenance and repairs to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Expert In Heat Exchanger Maintenance Service, Cleaning & Repairs

Consultation, Design & Selection

We provide free consultation for your engineering needs as our engineering expertise covers design matters, thermodynamic calculations, materials compatibility, pump curves, efficiency etc. We utilize our very own selection programs to select the most suitable and optimal equipment according to your needs. We always cater for your future needs such as potential expansion or increase in production which may require additional plates for PHE or even increasing the flow in a pump. We do not only provide consultation for equipment represented by Thermac but we could assist to provide solutions for upgrade for various makes.

Spare Parts Supply & Retrofitting

Our high quality spare parts are not limited to our own products. Our parts are compatible for various PHE and PCP makes and manufacturers. We keep an inventory of essential spares such as plates, gaskets, stators, rotors, joint seals, mechanical seals etc in our warehouse. If there is a requirement for a spare part not in our inventory and is crucial for your equipment, please let us know and we can do our part to help you stock up.

Heat Exchanger Maintenance, Repair & Cleaning

We are capable of providing services for the heat exchanger maintenance, repair and cleaning of heat exchangers and pumps. At our company, we have our service personnel who are able to assist you in various ways. You can expect a quick response from our service personnel who are prepared to assist you in: